How to Obtain a Medical Marijuana Growers License

Cultivating marijuana is now legal in several states in the United States as well as Canada for licensed professionals. While there are several requirements that must be met by Health Canada, there are some places in the U.S. where licensing is not as strict. The following information will help you learn about obtaining a medical…

How to Use Weed Maps Effectively

Weed maps are a valuable tool for medical marijuana users. On these websites, patients can find dispensaries, doctors, and delivery services, read and write reviews, read the latest marijuana news, and connect with other patients. With these sites, patients can easily locate and discuss medical marijuana, freely and easily. They are communities filled with a…

3 Reasons Why Medical Cannabis Should Be Legalized

Medical marijuana is surrounded by controversy. Many experts believe that cannabis is a safe alternative to pharmaceuticals for relieving symptoms related to many illnesses. These experts have scientific studies, medical organizations, and government reports to back up their point of view. Others on the other hand, argue that medical cannabis is too dangerous, that it…

3 Types of Weed That Will Help Treat Your Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea involves inconsistent or irregular breathing patterns during sleep, which increases carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. The term apnea refers to an interruption in breathing and can be broken down into three categories: central, obstructive and complex. Central sleep apnea involves pauses in breathing due to respiratory problems. In obstructive sleep apnea, airflow is…

The Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Chronic Nerve Pain

One of the reasons people turn to medical marijuana is to ease the symptoms of chronic pain. Chronic pain is most often treated with painkillers like opioids. Everyone now knows how addictive opioids are and the damage they can inflict on a person’s life, which is why doctors have become hesitant to prescribe them to…

5 Most Common Misconceptions about Weed

Marijuana has faced stigma since it first came to the public’s attention. Canada’s House of Commons criminalized the drug in 1923 before it had even earned a widespread reputation. It remained completely illegal for all purposes until the early 21st century, when a court ruling led to Canada’s first medical marijuana laws. Still, cannabis users…

4 Common Medical Marijuana Strains to Treat Headaches

Nothing ruins your day faster than a headache. Even at their most tolerable, these ailments can steal your focus and lower your productivity. But when you’re experiencing particularly bad pain and it feels like someone is bashing a gong on the inside of your skull, you’d do nearly anything to make it stop. Unfortunately, many…

Vancouver Refuses to Grant Marijuana Dispensaries a Business Licence

In June 2015, Vancouver became the first city to vote to regulate and license medical marijuana dispensaries at a public hearing. But only a few months later, approximately 6% of applications were successful. The vast majority of those applying for business licences have been denied. The regulations state that medical marijuana-related businesses are only allowed…

13 Amazing Facts about Medical Marijuana

Though a lot of controversy surrounds it, medical marijuana is awesome. It’s an incredible alternative treatment option that more and more patients suffering from debilitating, chronic, and often fatal illnesses are starting to use. It really isn’t surprising that medical marijuana is increasing in popularity. Just consider these 13 amazing facts. Table of Contents1 1….